Waiting for the right time is keeping you stuck

waiting for the right time is holding you back

Waiting for the right time is keeping you stuck

Waiting for the ‘right time’ is holding you back is a realisation that separates those who create success from those who merely hope for it.

You tell yourself you’ll make a change when the conditions are perfect—when you have more time, more money, more clarity.

But the truth is, waiting is the fastest way to stay stuck. Especially, Waiting for the right time.

It would be safe to say that there is no perfect timing especially when it comes to living a life more certain.

Waiting for the right time?: The Illusion of the ‘Right Time’

The idea that there’s a perfect moment to take action is comforting—but it’s also false.

The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to start. 

Here’s why:

  • Opportunities Don’t Wait – The longer you delay, the more chances you miss.
  • Momentum Comes from Action – Clarity follows action, not the other way around.
  • Fear Disguises Itself as ‘Logic’ – The more you rationalize waiting, the more fear takes control.

How to Move Forward Now

How waiting for the right time is keeping you stuck and how to get out of it:

  1. Shift from ‘Waiting’ to ‘Creating’
    Instead of waiting for the perfect conditions, decide to create them. Small actions lead to big momentum.
  2. Adopt the 80% Rule
    If you wait for 100% certainty, you’ll never act. If something feels 80% right, move forward and adjust along the way.
  3. Trust Your Future Self
    You don’t need to have everything figured out right now. Trust that your future self will adapt, learn, and handle challenges as they come.
  4. Set a 24-Hour Challenge
    What’s one action you can take today—within the next 24 hours—that moves you closer to your next chapter?

Your Next Chapter Begins Today

There will never be a perfect time, only the time you choose to make perfect. The question isn’t, “When will I be ready?” It’s, “What am I waiting for?”

The time is now. What’s next for you?